Hardiness Zone Shipping Policy
Hardiness Zone Shipping Policy
Fall shipping for zones 6 & south is from October through November (unless you choose Spring shipping instead). Our Spring shipping season is from late February to mid-May. Our trees our dug mid to late October. Southern states (KY, VA, and South) generally plant from late February through March. Midwestern and Atlantic states (including OH, IN, and PA) plant through April. Northern and New England states (NY, MI, WI, MN, etc) plant from mid-April to early May for Spring plantings.
Finding Your Hardiness Zone
You can use the tool available at http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/ to find your hardiness zone by zip code.
Tree Size Disclaimer
Our trees are barefoot, approximately 3/8" to 11/16" + caliper, 3' to 6' tall, slightly branched. This size transplants well. Some varieties are fully branched. Much depends on variety characteristics.